
时间:2022-11-27 09:24:45 来源:网络 浏览:142次


前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor’s Note



16. 体况

Body Condition



Pregnant Sows Should Be Fed Primarily By Body Condition



By inserting in the gestation unit 4 weeks after mating, the group is placed on the normal feed curve.



If the weakly group is split down the middle the sows are fed after curve A and B.



Different sows should be fed individually according to curve 1 or 3.


Curve 1: Fat sows


Curve A: Big sows


Curve 2: Average sows


Curve B: Small sows


Curve 3: Skinny sows


Curve 4: Gilts




Sows that come in poor body condition are moved to the spare unit.



Fat sows are more likely to get farrowing problems and thus greater need for farrowing assistance.Furthermore, they have more leg fractures and thus higher mortality.



In winter season the curves are regulated upwards due to the lower temperature.

1.  产房中肥的母猪比普通体况的母猪吃的少,从而导致断奶仔猪体重偏小。

Fat sows eat less in the farrowing unit than sows in normal body condition. This gives small pigs at weaning.

2.  过肥或过瘦的母猪的总饲料消耗量比体况稳定的母猪多。(大约100 个饲料单位/胎)

Sows which vary in body condition, have greater total feed consumption than sows with stable body condition (approx. 100 FU/litter) 

3.  瘦弱的母猪有肩伤、腿部疾病和返情的概率比较大。

Skinny sows have greater risk of shoulder wounds, leg problems and returning.


16.2补充说明: 体况

Additional Comments: Body Condition



If the sows and gilts are placed in the gestation unit just after mating, the boxes are locked in the first 4 weeks (except UK). This makes it possible to feed the animals individually, thus ensuring a uniform body condition when the animals are loosened 4 weeks after mating. Experiments have shown a positive effect on the litter size with skinny sows at a high feed strength 3,8 FU per day in the first 4 weeks after mating. In gilts, there is a negative impact of high feed strength in these 4 weeks. A possible weight loss from the farrowing unit should urgently be obtained since sows in negative energy balance may abort. The sows are only fully grown after 4th litter, so therefore young sows should receive extra feed.



Not all sows have the same feed conversion. Especially sows that are very emaciated from the farrowing unit, can be difficult to obtain in the same body condition again, even if they are given extra feed. Therefore should the sows’ body condition be checked and skinny and fat sows feed quantity should be regulated. Feed curve A meets sows, which is slightly above average. Feed curve B meets young and skinny sows. Good body condition management is critical for the feed consumption, since sows have a high feed consumption per kg weight gain.



Different sows should be fed individually according to curve 1 or 3.



Fetus have by far the largest growth in the last weeks of gestation. Therefore, the feed strength should be increased in this period from 3,5 to 4,0 FU per day, however not for fat sows.


In herds with liquid feeding, it is advantageous to feed the sows twice a day as sows physically can not accommodate the large feed quantities when the ratio between dry:wet is 1:4 or more. It is important for the pens function that all valves in the pen feed immediately after each other. Failing this, the sows will compete to get into the boxes that are fed first, which creates unnecessary anxiety in the pen. In herds with dry feed one daily feed is recommended, when there is assigned straw daily.



Temperature has great influence on the sows feeding needs. Furthermore, skinny sows have a thinner layer of fat than fat sows and therefore has a bigger need for feed to produce heat.



Extra feed by decreasing temperature Fuso: 

17. 妊娠鉴定

Pregnancy Test



Daily Heat Control


1.  每天检查所有圈舍内是否有发情母猪。

Every day, you check for sows in heat in all units.

2. 当母猪安静下来时,工作人员把手放入衣服口袋内到圈舍内巡视一圈(尽可能少惊扰母猪),观察母猪。

Go for a round in the units with your hands in your pockets and observe the animals, when they have calmed down.

3. 焦躁不安的母猪可能处于发情期。

Sows that are restless could be in heat.

4. 如果一头母猪爬跨另一头母猪,它可能处于发情前期。标记该母猪,然后在接下来的3天里进行发情鉴定。

If a sow mounts another sow, it could be in pre heat. Mark the sow and check her for heat the next 3 days.

5. 被爬跨的母猪可能正处于发情期。

A sow being mounted could be in heat.

6. 实施发情鉴定的“5个要点”,完成骑背测试,如果它保持不动,说明它处于发情期并且可以授精。

Complete the 5-point-plan and finish with the riding test. If the sow stands still when you sit on her, she is in heat and can be inseminated.

7. 把发情母猪转移到配种舍,从而妊娠舍里可以保持安静。

Move sows in heat to the mating unit, so there will be peace in the gestation unit.



In addition to daily heat control, there are three elements in the control of oestrus and pregnancy. Everyone should be a part of the routines.


用公猪诱情可以较早的发现发情母猪。(参见18 –扫描技术)

Control with the boar may reveal sows in early oestrus. (See 18 – Scanning technique )



Pregnancy control (scanning) can be performed from day 24 and doubtable sows are scanned again within a week.



At vaccination approx. 3 weeks before farrowing, it is assessed visually if the sows are pregnant.


Riding test


Sow with swollen labia next to a sow with normal labia。



Inadequate Or No Oestrus- And Pregnancy Control Leads To


1. 返情母猪和空怀母猪没有被鉴别出来。这会导致群体数量持续波动。

Returners and empty sows are not being identified. They create turbulence in the group with slipping and returning to come.

2. 母猪年产胎次和年断奶仔猪数减少。空怀母猪导致非生产天数增加。

Fewer litters and thus fewer weaners per sow per year.

3. 每一非生产天数的成本为20丹麦克朗。

Empty sows give non-productive days. One non-productive day costs 20 Danish krones.




17.3补充说明: 妊娠鉴定

Additional Comments: Pregnancy Test



By implementing a daily heat check you detect RETURNERS in time. 30-50 % of the returners are detected 3 weeks after their mating day, the rest (50-70 %) are found in the interim period. Therefore, heat check is necessary every day.



Oestrus signs are:

1. 母猪让其它母猪或公猪爬跨。

The sow let other sows and the boar mount her.

2. 母猪跟着工作人员走。

The sow follows the manager around the pen.

3. 母猪异常活跃。

The sow is hyperactive.

4. 母猪寻找公猪。

The sow seeks the boar.

5. 母猪出现在电子母猪饲喂器未吃料的清单上。

The sow may act on the remnant list of ESF.

6. 母猪的阴唇肿胀。

The sow has swollen labia.

7. 母猪发出“低吟”声。

The sow “buzz”



The boar can be a help to find the oestrus sows, but the boar doesn’t discover all the oestrus sows.

1. 公猪和母猪有“一见钟情”的现象。

Both the sow and boar have preferences (“love at first sight”).

2. 年轻的和等级低的母猪发情症状不明显。

Young and low ranking sows do not dare to show oestrus.



The boar should be regarded as a tool to find empty sows quickly. The boar is not a certainty.



Many empty sows are not in cycle. Therefore, one can  not find them by heat check. They can only be found by scanning.



Scanning can not with certainty be made from day 24 after mating. If the scan is done too early, the results is uncertain since the embryos are difficult to see on the scanner screen. If the sow scanned empty she is immediately moved to the mating unit.



If you have doubt about the outcome the sow is clearly marked and number and section is noted. At the next scan there should be achieved a safe outcome.



If the sow empty at the second scan, or you are unsure, the sow is moved to the mating unit.



All sows where there is doubt about pregnancy, is scanned again within a week. Empty sows are immediately moved to the mating unit, which often triggers a more pronounced heat.


参见18 –扫描技术

See 18 – Scanning technique



While scanning the sows are assessed on body condition and the feed curve is adjusted if necessary.



By vaccination (day 90), it is estimated if the sows are pregnant. By doubt they are scanned.

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